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What number I should call for assistance

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Yes my account has been suspended with no reason please assist

Use my trello. App is good.
Mytello app is good

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My accounted has been suspended with out any reason. Please fix this ASAP.


My account has been suspended for no reason!! I cannot contact Reliance by phone or E-Mail. What is going on???

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Same  problem..been couple of days..

My account has also been suspended without any reason. I have opened a ticket but no response yet ?

I have had the same problem as well. Even the customer service number simply disconnects you.

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Very frustrating. There is no response from support team via any communication channel email, phone number or chat.  It appears this company does not care about it's customers anymore. 

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Think Reliance has closed shop and time for us to look for a new phone application. They are using COVID as a reason for slow response, but that should not make them suspend our accounts and no responses to tickets. 

I'm waiting to get a response from RGC about the same suspended matter...with a hope that someone will help as the email/chats are being replied promptly

I filed Support tickets to get my account closed. The tickets were closed without any action or response. I kept getting charged on my credit card. I am now disputing the transaction to get my credit - that's what the bank asked me to do. Even after a disputed charge they haven't got back to me. This company has become completely unresponsive - doesn't look like they are in business any more. 

my account is suspended for no reason. cannot get hold of customer service. tickets raised but get closed without resolution.  suddenly  my account has a debit balance of 17 and change. where usually my monthly bill is only round 3 bucks. i want my account is unlocked or help me close my account. how do i contact you by phone?  are you in business? 

When I $ deposited $20 in end of June,  my account did not reflect the amount. It them to correct that more than  a month.  Now I found out that I have to use this amount before March-2021.  This information was there on my account when I deposited $20.00.  I asked via e-mail to reliance that this was not told to me  There are other carrier let have for unlimited time. 

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