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poor service

Tried calling, chatting, email.  No response

8 people have this problem

Yes, the customer service is absolutely rotten! No response when you try to contact them via phone or email or chat.  

agree - very poor service

Agree very poor service

I agree - no one answers the phone, it gets disconnected, and no one is answering emails.  This company has become such a terrible company!

  How is it that my account is suddenly suspended and i cannot call India and also cannot log in to my online account ?  And how do I get in touch with anyone to resolve this ? How can the customer support be so non-caring and indifferent ?  I have been waiting and waiting to call my parents and not a soul from the company stirs.  is there a God ?  will I ever hear another voice ? Where am I ?

I have exactly the same complaint

It has now more than a week and I have not heard back.  Good news is there are other options out there. I am now using Skype and having a good experience. It is also cheaper for me.  Bye bye Reliance Global.

I really cannot understand.  What am I missing ?  How can such a huge corporation deal with customers so poorly ?  What exactly is the issue here ? Am I the only one who is frustrated ?  Not a single contact from anyone after a number of days ?  Who is running this company ? What service do they use ?

I have called, left messages, tried to chat... to no avail. They have been working on my problem... very hard I am sure. If I do not hear from them in another day, I am cancelling my account.

And to add to it all, the message I just posted has disappeared. That does it. Enough is enough!

this firm has 0 employees

this company has 0 employees. 0.

why are we charged for making 0 calls ? 

Live chat should be called Dead chat

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